Expert Tips: 5 Mistakes We All Make When Trying To Lose Weight

Expert Tips: 5 Mistakes We All Make When Trying To Lose Weight

Expert Tips: 5 Mistakes We All Make When Trying To Lose Weight
Expert Tips: 5 Mistakes We All Make When Trying To Lose Weight

Another summer reached its end and colder months are now arriving, but you still haven’t managed to get that summer body you crave so much. And with all the holidays (that are nothing but food festivals) coming up during fall and winter, you are probably thinking – “Oh well, I can always try again next year.”
But even though Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas can indeed be mean to your body, don’t give up just yet!
All of us who are on a mission to lose weight are probably, aside from all the efforts, making certain mistakes that we aren’t even aware of. Shedding pounds can be really tricky and there are numerous habits that can hinder you and slow you down on your journey towards a healthier and slimmer you.
With that being said, here are 5 mistakes you might be making trying to lose weight.

1. Being Impatient

Before you start dieting and working towards a slimmer body, you need to learn one thing: it is a process.
Sometimes even a long, grueling one during which it often feels like you are putting in too much effort, but see little reward.
The key here is to give it enough time, and the fruits of your labor will start showing eventually.
“It’s easy to become impatient and frustrated when you’re trying to lose weight and haven’t seen the results yet,” says Dr. Luke James, the medical director at Bupa Health Clinics and an expert on losing weight. “Stick with it for at least eight weeks and you should notice a change.”

2. Not Eating Enough Protein

“ Protein is great for fat loss,” says Dr. James. “It helps build and preserve lean muscle tissue and can increase the amount of calories you burn. It’s also a great source of energy that helps you feel fuller for longer, so you’re less tempted to snack.”
This is why you should try swapping your carbs for protein. Instead of eating toast or cereal every morning, go with a boiled egg, or munch on some almonds during snack time instead of grabbing a bag of chips.
Protein shakes are also a healthy option.
(ALSO CHECK OUT: This Is The Ultimate 7 Super-foods Smoothie!)

3. Eating Too Much Sugar And Carbs

Now that we are in the “eat less carb” area… We must know that cutting down on calories isn’t the only thing that we need to do. The key lies in holding back from carbohydrates and sugars, that’s when real weight loss begins.
“Try cutting back on the amount of simple carbohydrates you eat, like pasta and bread, and substituting for healthier alternatives like courgetti,” says James.
However, make sure you don’t cut out carbs completely. The trick is to consciously limit your carb intake and keep it in the green. And that’s where our next mistake comes in:

4. Dieting Too Much

Whatever you do, just make sure you are not crash-dieting! Changing one’s diet and food intake so suddenly and so drastically is an unhealthy and unsustainable way of trying to lose weight.
The way to go is replacing unhealthy foods with healthier options rather than cutting them out altogether.

5. Not Getting Enough Sleep

One of the most common and well-concealed mistakes we make while trying to shed some pounds is not getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can have a serious effect on our weight:
“We all have two hormones that affect our appetite: ghrelin and leptin,” says Dr. James. “When we don’t get enough sleep, our ghrelin levels (the hormone that makes us feel hungry) rise, and our leptin levels (the hormone that makes us feel full) drop. This means that when we’re awake, we tend to eat more but feel less satisfied.”

Here are 5 mistakes you might be making trying to lose weight.
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3 Mouth-Watering, Elegant And Healthy Recipes For Dinner

1. Cornish GAME Hens With Veggies

3 Mouth-Watering, Elegant And Healthy Recipes For Dinner
Cornish GAME Hens With Veggies

Dinner recipes can indeed be rather tricky.
If you want to stay fit and healthy, you need to pay attention to what you eat after 7pm as it is always hard to get that perfect amount of calories so you don’t gain weight.

But you also want to keep it tasty and nutritious, right?

The best solution, as always, lies in the right balance between protein and veggies. As for, carbs, whole wheat is ok, but also in right amounts.

Today we have 3 types of meats for you:

Not in the same meal, obviously, but in 3 very healthy yet delicious recipes for dinner. Let’s get busy!

(RELATED: 5 Weight Loss Meals You Can Make In Under 5 Minutes)

1. Cornish GAME Hens With Veggies


4 x Cornish game hen (around 22 ounces each)
1/3 cup butter
1-1/2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary (crushed is also ok)
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 pounds small red potatoes
1 pound carrots


Place the Cornish game hens in a roasting pan, breast side up.
Combine butter, rosemary, parsley, salt and pepper, mix well, and spoon over hens. Bake at 375° for 1 hour.
Peel the potatoes and place them in a saucepan along with carrots, cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Add to roasting pan when finished.
Baste hens and vegetables with pan drippings and bake for another 20 minutes. The meat should be done and vegetables tender.

2. Italian Sausage And Zucchini Stir-Fry Combo

Italian Sausage And Zucchini Stir-Fry Combo

Italian Sausage And Zucchini Stir-Fry Combo


1 pound Italian sausage
1/2 cup onions (chopped)
2 cups chopped tomatoes, seedless
4 cups unpared zucchini, julienned cuts (matchstick) or coarsely shredded
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
1/4 teaspoon oregano
Parmesan cheese


Slice the sausage in 1/4 of an inch slices and brown them in a large skillet. Just before the sausage is done, add the onions. Drain when done.
Add tomatoes, zucchini, lemon juice, salt, Tabasco sauce, oregano, and cook for about 5 minutes. Stir frequently. Sprinkle with cheese once done.
Serve with crusty whole wheat Italian bread.

3. Walnut-Crusted Salmon With Spinach And Tomatoes

3. Walnut-Crusted Salmon With Spinach And Tomatoes

3. Walnut-Crusted Salmon With Spinach And Tomatoes

    • 4 salmon fillets (4 ounces each)
    • 4 teaspoons Dijon mustard
    • 4 teaspoons honey
    • 2 slices whole wheat bread
    • 3 tablespoons walnuts (finely chopped)
    • 2 teaspoons canola oil
    • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
    • Cherry tomatoes
    • Spinach
    1. Preheat oven to 400°.
    2. Place salmon fillets on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Combine mustard and honey and brush all over the salmon fillets.
    3. Tear the bread into pieces, place it in your food processor and pulse until coarse crumbs form. Transfer to a small bowl then stir in walnuts, oil and thyme. Press the walnut/bread mix onto salmon fillets.
    4. Bake for up to 15 minutes, the topping should be lightly browned. Serve with fresh tomatoes and spinach.

So there you have it, 3 very healthy, elegant and yet delicious recipes for dinner! What’s your favorite dinner recipe?

Read our 3 very healthy yet delicious recipes for dinner!
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5 Easy Lunch Hacks For Quick Weight Loss

5 Easy Lunch Hacks For Quick Weight Loss

5 Easy Lunch Hacks For Quick Weight Loss
5 Easy Lunch Hacks For Quick Weight Loss

For some of us, lunch can indeed feel like the most difficult meal to “get it right,” and sometimes it even feels like the most boring meal in the day.
There’s a possibility of getting stuck eating the same thing over and over again, while making sure your lunch is both delicious and healthy isn’t always an easy thing to do.

There are a lot of little things and nuances that can ‘go wrong’ along the way and thus trip you up when it comes to your caloric intake. This is especially true for us who are constantly trying to lose weight.

“When we’re rushed and stressed, it can become a meal that sabotages your diet, so you’ve got to put a little more planning and prep into it,” says registered dietitian Lauren Harris-Pincus.

And she is indeed in the right.

Losing weight and getting a slimmer waist CAN be achieved by making simple changes to your meal plans. With these 5 lunch hacks for quick weight loss you will be able to shed pounds by eating your regular meals with just a few simple tricks.

So no depressing salads or hunger pains involved!

1. Bean Me Up Scotty!

Simply add 1/2 of beans to your meal and let them do their magic. Namely, beans will boost your fiber intake by 8 grams which great for losing weight. Plus, they will make you feel full for a longer period of time.

(RELATED: How To Boost Your Willpower With Your Diet)

2. Do Not Underestimate The Power Of Water, My Friend

Make sure you drink 16 OZ of water prior to every lunch. This will lead to consuming smaller portions during your meal and generally make you eat less. This can be applied to any meal.

3. Avocado Sandwich!!?

Slice a fresh avocado and add it to your sandwich. This also promotes the feeling of fullness and leads to you consuming fewer calories later in the day.

4. Lean Back And Eat Lean Protein

Packing your lunch with lean meat will make you forget about all the unnecessary snacks throughout the day.

5. Spicing Things Up

Add hot peppers to your lunch as they contain capsaicin – a nutrient that boosts your metabolism and decreases your appetite.

With these 5 lunch hacks for quick weight loss you will be able to shed pounds by eating your regular meals with just a few simple tricks.
The post 5 Easy Lunch Hacks For Quick Weight Loss appeared first on MyDiet.

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Best Diets For 2017: Top 3 Diets For Health & Wellness

Looking for a diet plan that will do wonders for your overall health? Look no further, we got you covered!

US News and World Report have finally revealed their annual rankings of best diets for 2017 and the list is quite delicious. And healthy too. As far as best overall plans are concerned, 38 diets were evaluated with input from a panel of health experts, and the top 3 ranking looks like this:

Dash Diet
Mediterranean Diet
Mind Diet
Best Diets For 2017: Top 3 Diets For Health & Wellness

Let’s delve a little deeper into each of these, shall we?

Dash Diet

logoFood Advertising by Dash diet is perfect for preventing and lowering high blood pressure, or in other words – getting rid of hypertension.
The best way to do this is to establish a healthy eating pattern and your high blood pressure will deflate in no time, while this diet will also help you with the weight loss, which is always hard to achieve.
So it’s truly a win-win situation.

Dash diet focuses on warding off high blood pressure by giving your body the following nutrients:

These are crucial for fighting high blood pressure, and the best part here is that you don’t have to make some huge changes to your diet, you simply need to focus on and emphasize the healthy foods you’ve always been told to eat:

whole grains
lean protein
low-fat dairy
But you will also need to cut out the foods that are high in calories and fat like sweets and red meat. Salt is your enemy as well.

Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet

Not only is Mediterranean Diet delicious and includes a plethora of mouth-watering dishes, it is also great for:

weight loss
heart health
brain health
cancer prevention
diabetes prevention and control
“It’s generally accepted that the folks in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea live longer and suffer less than most Americans from cancer and cardiovascular ailments,” say folks over at US News. “The not-so-surprising secret is an active lifestyle, weight control, and a diet low in red meat, sugar and saturated fat and high in produce, nuts and other healthful foods.”

Mind Diet
Mind Diet

We shouldn’t only pay attention to our figure and body health, we need to think about our brain and our cognitive future as well. This is where preventing Alzheimer’s disease with brain-healthy foods comes in – in the form of Mind Diet!

Basically, Mind Diet is a combination of Dash Diet and Mediterranean Diet and it will help you lower your risk of mental decline. This new hybrid diet takes the best out of the two proven heart-healthy diets mentioned above and zeroes in on the foods that specifically affect brain health.

(RELATED: Sugar Does Damage Your Brain: The Link Between Sugar And Alzheimer’s Confirmed)

The focus is on eating from 10 brain-healthy food groups:

vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables)
whole grains
olive oil
As for the foods this MIND diet excludes, these are mainly: red meats, butter and stick margarine, cheeses, pastries and sweets, and fried or fast food.

US News and World Report have finally revealed their annual rankings of best diets for 2017 and the list is quite delicious.
The post Best Diets For 2017: Top 3 Diets For Health & Wellness appeared first on MyDiet.

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9 Healthy Foods You Are Probably Not Eating

One of the worst things you can do to your body and your figure is to eat the same meals day after day.
Not only is it boring, it is making you miss out on some extremely healthy foods that can provide you with some of the most vital nutrients and disease-fighting antioxidants.
In that name, here’s our list of 9 not so popular but very healthy foods you are probably not eating too often, if at all. 

1. Algae Powder

1. Algae Powder
1. Algae Powder

This healthy blue-green powder is available at most health-food stores and will do wonders for your immune system. Algae powder contains zinc and is packed with vitamin C, which makes this substance a potent antioxidant and is great as an anti-inflammatory food.
It also boosts your immune defense and reduces cold and flu risk – perfect for the flu season!

2. Flaxseeds

2. Flaxseeds
2. Flaxseeds
The best way to eat ground flaxseed is to add them to your cereal as this food provides substantially more fiber than store-bought cereal. However, the true value of flaxseeds lies in its so-called lignans– an estrogen-like antioxidant that blocks estrogen receptors on cells, contributing to reduced rates of certain hormone-related cancers, such as breast cancer.
They also have high anti-inflammatory power that can help ward off conditions from acne to asthma.

3. Red Cabbage

3. Red Cabbage
3. Red Cabbage
Red cabbage gets its famous color due to anthocyanins – extremely potent antioxidants that prevent hardening of the arteries and possibly diabetes and neurological diseases, while some reports coming from the Agricultural Research Service claim these can also boost your brain functions and protect your body against cancer.
Go, red cabbage!

4. Kiwi

4. Kiwi
4. Kiwi

Kiwis are among the fruits that have the highest vitamin C level on Earth, which makes them perfect for your weekly intake of this immune-boosting nutrient. Plus, they are sooooo delicious.
They are also packed with vitamin E

5. Cloves

5. Cloves
5. Cloves
What is interesting about cloves is that these bad boys, native to eastern Indonesia, were probably the first breath fresheners in history. In fact, during China’s Han dynasty, courtiers would chew on cloves to sweeten their breath before addressing the emperor.
Fats forward to modern times, these bad boys have extremely high count of antioxidants per gram. For instance, 1g of cloves contains about the same amount of antioxidants as half a cup of berries.
Cloves are also great for digestion.

6. Passion Fruit

6. Passion Fruit
6. Passion Fruit
Not too many people are passionate about passion fruit, so let’s try and change that…
This small egg-shaped fruit is so delicious and juicy, but is also very rich in fiber and antioxidants. “The pulp is a great source of fiber, antioxidants and plant sterols which reduce your blood cholesterol levels,” says Natalie Brown, a registered dietitian in White Rock, B.C.
But that’s not all. Passion fruit is also packing high amounts of vitamins C and E.

7. Chocolate Milk

7. Chocolate Milk
7. Chocolate Milk
Here’s something you probably didn’t expect. Yes, chocolate milk is, aside from dark chocolate, another healthy way for all chocoholics to get their much coveted choco-fix. Contrary to popular belief, chocolate milk has the same amount of bone-building nutrients as regular white milk.

8. Oats

8. Oats
8. Oats
Oats are so much better for your body than store-bought cereal. They have cholesterol-loweringand blood pressure-lowering powers that come from soluble fiber oats are packed with. Eating oats on a regular basis can lower your blood cholesterol significantly, and thus reduce the risk of heart attack by 10%.

9. Cinnamon

9. Cinnamon
9. Cinnamon

Such a shame so many people don’t like the taste of cinnamon.
This food is one of the most powerful healing spices available on the market as it is perfect for improving blood sugar control in people with diabetes.
Cinnamon helps preventing blood clots and has amazing antibacterial and anti-inflammatoryproperties, while it has also been shown to conquer E. coli, among other types of bacteria.

Here's our list of 9 not so popular but very healthy foods you are probably not eating too often, if at all.
The post 9 Healthy Foods You Are Probably Not Eating appeared first on MyDiet.

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Delicious And Healthy 3 Course Meal Recipe For Diabetics

Delicious And Healthy 3 Course Meal Recipe For Diabetics
Delicious And Healthy 3 Course Meal Recipe For Diabetics

Delicious And Healthy 3 Course Meal Recipe For Diabetics.
Far too often food and health magazines tend to forget about people with diabetes, even though diabetic people are the ones who have to pay attention to their diet the most.
This is why we decided provide you all with some tasty yet healthy diabetic recipes.

Here we have 3 easy to prepare diabetic recipes for one huge and mouth-watering meal that anyone would want to chomp into.

Let’s get busy!

RELATED: 9 Diet Hacks To Lose Weight And Improve Your Health Instantly)

Tandoori Paneer Kebabs


250g paneer (1 inch cubes)
300g plain low fat yoghurt
4 tbsp. tandoori powder
2 tsp. garlic (chopped)
1 chilli (chopped)
2 tsp. ground cumin
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp. salt
2 green bell peppers
2 large white onions
15 white mushrooms (cut into quarters)
8 BBQ skewers


In a large mixing bowl, combine yoghurt, tandoori powder, lemon juice, garlic, ginger, chilli and salt. Mix in the paneer, onions, bell pepper and mushrooms. Once thoroughly combined, place in the fridge for two hours. NOTE: You can do this the night before.
Thread a chunk of paneer, slice of bell pepper, slice of onion and slice of mushroom on to the BBQ skewers, and repeat the process until the skewer is full.
Grill the kebabs for 10 minutes, or until the paneer has browned slightly.

Chicken Caesar Salad
Delicious And Healthy 3 Course Meal Recipe For Diabetics.


1 large head of lettuce (torn)
400g skinless chicken breast (diced and cooked)
100g freshly grated parmesan cheese
120ml low fat plain yoghurt
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
2 tsp. olive oil
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
1 tbsp. olive oil
50g stale bread cubes
Salt and freshly ground pepper to season


Heat a griddle pan over low heat and add the olive oil. Place the bread cubes in it and sauté. Once the cubes are golden brown, season to taste and allow it to cool.
In a large bowl, place the lettuce, the chicken and croutons in and sprinkle the cheese on top. Stir in the yoghurt, lemon juice, olive oil, Dijon mustard and garlic and mix well.
Drizzle the dressing onto the salad and toss until combined.
Season to taste with freshly ground black pepper.

Strawberry Sorbet
 Delicious And Healthy 3 Course Meal Recipe For Diabetics

And now for the dessert! A real treat…
  • 80g cream cheese
  • 100g strawberries
  • 4 tsp. Triple Zero sweetener
  1. Blend the cream cheese, strawberries and Triple Zero sweetener together in a blender until you get a smooth and thoroughly mixed paste. Transfer to an ice cream tub and then fold the cream in gently.
  2. Put in the freezer until firm.
  3. Serve and enjoy!
And there you have it. A nice, healthy and simple meal for diabetics. What are your favor favorite diabetic recipes?

Here we have 3 easy to prepare diabetic recipes for one huge and mouth-watering meal that anyone would want to chomp into.
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9 Diet Hacks To Lose Weight And Improve Your Health Instantly

9 Diet Hacks To Lose Weight And Improve Your Health Instantly
9 Diet Hacks To Lose Weight And Improve Your Health Instantly

Cutting your intake of calories, losing weight, stabilizing your blood sugar, and lowering your risk of weight-related diseases shouldn’t be mission impossible.
Of course, you will have to make some changes to your diet, but what if we told you there were some simple and easy-to-do diet hacks that can help you speed up the process significantly?

Check out the following diet hacks that can make you lose weight and improve your overall health in no time!

(RELATED: Best 7 Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss And Muscle Gain)

1. Eat Whole Fruit Instead Of Drinking Juice
Eating fresh fruit is always a better choice than drinking store-bought juice. The researchers over at Harvard found that eating three servings of whole fruit instead of drinking three glasses of fruit juice a week can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes by over 7%.

2. Use Smaller Bowls
Another experiment found that we tend to eat more simply because we use big plates and big bowls. In this study, participants who were given larger bowls, served and ate 16% more than the people who were given smaller cutlery.

Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but that’s the case.

3. Don’t Watch TV While You Eat
Of course, it is much more fun to eat while watching an episode of your favorite TV show, but if you manage to resist this urge, you might lose some pounds even during your first week of this practice.

According to a research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who ate their meals while distracted tend to eat 10% more in one sitting than those who were only concentrated on their meals.

4. Dine By Candlelight
Not only will dining by the candlelight set a more romantic mood and increase the meal satisfaction for you and your partner, it will also help you eat less.

According to some researchers who examined certain fast food restaurants, people who eat in a relaxed environment with dimmed lights and mellow music eat up to 180 fewer calories per meal than those who eat in a more typical restaurant environment.

5. Eat Frozen Fruits And Veggies But Choose Wisely
Some nutritionists claim that frozen fruits and veggies, which are picked and prepped at their prime, can be even healthier and more nutritious than some fresh produce you buy at your nearest store.

6. Eat More Soup
This diet hack is a slam dunk! The trick is to eat an appetizer of a broth-based soup and thus eat less when the main course comes. This trick can reduce total calorie intake over the course of the meal by up to 20%.

So easy, yet so effective!

7. Eat More Spicy Foods
Great new for all spicy food lovers out there! Researchers have found that piperine, the compound responsible for pepper’s distinct taste, also hinders the formation of new fat cells in the human body.

This reaction is called adipogenesis, and can indeed lead to losing weight and a decrease in cholesterol levels.

8. Add Cinnamon To Your Carbs
If you can’t live without your favorite carbs, simply add some cinnamon to your meal. Namely, a series of studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claim that adding cinnamon to a starchy meal can help with your blood sugar levels and might also ward off insulin spikes that often lead to hunger, cravings and weight gain.

9. Ditch The Snacks
Simply try to avoid your usual mid-morning and afternoon snacks as these can hinder all the weight loss efforts you made previously.

(RELATED: 5 Weight Loss Meals You Can Make In Under 5 Minutes)

Check out the following diet hacks that can make you lose weight and improve your overall health in no time!
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Silicon Valley’s New Diet Is Great For Weight Loss And Life Extension, But…

Silicon Valley’s New Diet Is Great For Weight Loss And Life Extension, But…
Silicon Valley’s New Diet Is Great For Weight Loss And Life Extension, But…

The innovators and geniuses over at the Silicon Valley are not only the pioneers of new technologies. They have some ground-breaking ideas when it comes to diet too!
Namely, it appears that currently the hottest way to lose weight is a new type of diet called “intermittent fasting” and it involves eating WHATEVER YOU WANT.
Well, on some days at least. On others, however, you don’t eat at all!

Intermittent Fasting And Why It Works (Kind Of)

Although it might sounds a bit strange, the intermittent fasting concept of eating whatever you want on some days and eating nothing on others, actually has a lot of scientific backing.
Several legit studies have found this diet to be:
  • just as reliable for weight loss as traditional diets
  • great for reducing the risk for certain cancers
  • even a good way of prolonging life.
No wonder folks over at the Silicon Valley love it. Some even swear by it.
Facebook executive Dan Zigmond is one of them and he reportedly confines his eating to the narrow time slot of 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., while many other CEOs and tech pioneers practice the intermittent fasting concept and are sworn “intermittent fasting” devotees.
But is this too-good-to-be-true diet routine really that great and healthy?
According to Krista Varady, the nutrition professor at the University of Illinois, the intermittent fasting diet has one huge and easy-to-miss pitfall.

Not Consuming Enough Water

Professor Varady was actually one of the first scientists to study intermittent fasting in humans, and she even wrote a book about this new type of weight loss diet back in 2013, called “The Every-Other-Day Diet.”
“Many people who try the diet complain of things like headaches,” she told in her recent interview with the Business Insider. “But the problem is a lot of them aren’t drinking enough water.”
It appears that many people who opt for this diet experience a drop in energy during the first three or four days, which is actually the result of dehydration. This problem occurs as 20% or more of our daily water consumption comes from food. The bulk of the veggies we eat are actually mostly water.
“Like vegetables, our bodies are also made up of a lot of water — roughly 60% of our weight. Every cell, tissue, and organ relies on that fluid to function. When you don’t get enough, it’s no surprise that you can feel tired,” say folks over at Business Insider.
And dehydration, even a mild one, spells only one thing – lack of energy.
“In general the first five days are the hardest,” says Varady. “Most people find the first week to be tough to adjust to this new kind of up-down pattern. But once you get through that it’s typically much easier.”
So, should you decide to give this intermittent fasting diet a try, make sure you drink more water than usual!

No wonder folks over at the Silicon Valley love this diet. Some even swear by it. Click here to find out why!
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Could Eating Kale (But Also Broccoli And Cabbage) Actually Be Bad For You?

Could Eating Kale (But Also Broccoli And Cabbage) Actually Be Bad For You?
Could Eating Kale (But Also Broccoli And Cabbage) Actually Be Bad For You?

We all know that kale is undoubtedly one of the healthiest vegetables our planet has to offer. Kale is proven to be:

packed with nutrients
loaded with powerful antioxidants
excellent source of vitamin c and k
good for lowering cholesterol
great cancer-fighting food
high in beta-carotene
good source of minerals
high in lutein and zeaxanthin
great weight-loss food
However, it seems that eating this veggie without cooking it first might not be such a great idea after all.

(RELATED: Best 7 Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss And Muscle Gain)

The Darks Secret Of Cruciferous Vegetable

logoFood Advertising by Kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage all belong to the same family of veggies – cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables are all crunchy and have numerous health benefits, including the ones we mentioned above, however, these vegetables also have a dark secret:
When eaten raw, they can suppress production of Thyroid – the hormone responsible for regulating your metabolism.

As the study conducted by the Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Institute suggests, cruciferous vegetables contain two types of harmful compound:

Progoitrin – interferes with thyroid hormone synthesis
Thiocyanate ions – crowds out the iodine your thyroid needs
But don’t let this scare you more than it should.

Only after eating extremely large amounts of raw kale, broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage, could your body experience hormonal irregularities that lead to fluctuations in blood sugar, weight, and overall metabolic health.

This, of course, shouldn’t scare you away from these veggies altogether, but people who consume raw kale salads raw all the time and in excess, might want to bring it down a notch as they could experience a swelling of the thyroid.

When consumed in reasonable doses, this swelling effect wears off rather quickly and your thyroid remains unharmed, but if you are a raw veggie maniac and tend to eat huge amounts of raw vegetables on a daily basis, you could be in for some serious thyroid trouble.

For example, in 2010 one 88-year-old woman from China ended up in a coma from cabbage-related thyroid dysfunction. Apparently she had been eating over 3 pounds of raw bok choy every day for several months as someone told her she might avoid diabetes that way.

As The Mercury News writes:

“As long as you’re not following an unwisely restrictive diet, your kale consumption won’t harm your thyroid – though it can cause some less serious problems even in smaller doses. Raw vegetables such as kale also have a large amount of indigestible fiber – not ideal for your stomach to handle in large amounts.”

Find out why you should stick to the occasional raw kale salad or a superfood raw smoothie every once in a while.
The post Could Eating Kale (But Also Broccoli And Cabbage) Actually Be Bad For You? appeared first on MyDiet.

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5 Weight Loss Meals You Can Make In Under 5 Minutes

Looking for fat-burning meals and weight loss recipes? Look no further for you came to the right place!
We at MyDiet are trying to provide you with the tasty meals and food that will make you lose weight while enjoying the process. And if you are also a busy man/woman, you are in luck because these amazing weight-loss dishes come together in five minutes or less.

What is also great is that each meal contains Resistant Starch (RS), a carb that is crucial for putting your metabolism into overdrive.

Let’s get busy!

1. BREAKFAST: Tartine/Blackberry-Thyme Salad

1. BREAKFAST: Tartine/Blackberry-Thyme Salad
Calories: 393 Resistant Starch: 1.2 grams
  • 1 quart fresh blackberries (crushed)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Pinch of kosher salt
  • 1 (8-ounce) sourdough baguette
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 24 ounces plain, low-fat yogurt
HOW TO PREPARE: In a medium bowl, stir together: blackberries, thyme, sugar, lemon juice, and kosher salt. Split sourdough baguette in length and cut into 4 pieces. Spread each baguette piece with butter and top with 1/4 of the blackberry salad.
Serve with low-fat yogurt.

2. LUNCH: Raspberries And Kale Smoothie With Hummus Sandwich

2. LUNCH: Raspberries And Kale Smoothie With Hummus Sandwich

Calories: 407 Resistant Starch: 1.2 grams
  • 1&1/2 cups fresh (or frozen) raspberries
  • 1/2 cup shredded kale
  • 1 cup ice
  • 3/4 cup fat-free plain yogurt
  • 1/2 banana
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon natural almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ
HOW TO PREPARE: In your blender, blend together: raspberries, shredded kale, ice, yogurt, banana, honey, almond butter, and wheat germ. Serve when smooth.
Hummus sandwich of your own desire.

3. LUNCH (version 2): Tuna And White Bean Crostino

3. LUNCH (version 2): Tuna And White Bean Crostino
Calories: 394 Resistant Starch: 3.9 grams
  • 1 (15-ounce) can white beans
  • 1 (5-ounce) can tuna in olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
  • 4 slices whole-wheat country bread
  • 2 ounces coarsely grated cow cheese
  • 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper
HOW TO PREPARE: Preheat broiler with rack in highest position. In a medium bowl, prepare the tuna-and-white bean salad consisting of drained can tuna, white beans, fresh lemon juice, and chopped fresh parsley. Season with salt and pepper.
Arrange the slices of country bread on a broiler-proof baking sheet, and divide salad evenly among slices.
Top slices with cheese and broil 2-3 minutes until golden.

4. DINNER: Grilled Chicken Cutlets With Summer Succotash

4. DINNER: Grilled Chicken Cutlets With Summer Succotash

Calories: 378 Resistant Starch: 1 gram
  • 4 thin chicken cutlets
  • 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 cup frozen baby lima beans
  • 1/2 cup corn
  • 1 pint grape tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves
  • lemon wedges
  • 100-calorie whole-wheat roll
HOW TO PREPARE: Place a grill pan over high heat. Season the chicken cutlets salt and pepper and grill for up to 4 minutes (or until cooked through), turning once.
In a large skillet heat the olive oil over medium-high. Add in lima beans, corn, and grape tomatoes, and cook until tomatoes burst, tossing occasionally. Now stir in the Parmesan and fresh basil leaves, and pair each portion with lemon wedges and a whole-wheat roll.

5. DINNER (version 2): Fried Brown Rice With Edamame

5. DINNER (version 2): Fried Brown Rice With Edamame

Calories: 438 Resistant Starch: 1.7 grams
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 cups cooked brown rice
  • 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 cups coleslaw mix
  • 1 cup frozen and thawed shelled edamame
  • 2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon chile-garlic sauce
  • 1/4 cup cilantro leaves
  • 1/4 cup chopped peanuts
HOW TO PREPARE: In a large skillet heat vegetable oil over high heat, then add cooked brown rice and cook further for 1 minute (or until heated through). Stir the eggs into rice, cook for 30 seconds and then stir in coleslaw mix, edamame, soy sauce, and chile-garlic sauce. Cook everything until eggs are cooked and edamame are heated through.
Serve topped with cilantro leaves and chopped peanuts.
And there you have it, folks – 5 extremely easy yet mouth-watering weight loss recipes that will help you lose weight quickly!

If you are a busy man/woman, you are in luck because these amazing weight loss meals come together in five minutes or less.
The post 5 Weight Loss Meals You Can Make In Under 5 Minutes appeared first on MyDiet.

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