Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

3 Simple But Effective Winter Workouts To Burn Fat Quickly

Another winter is here and another huge obstacle for all of us who want to look good and shed a few pounds before spring comes.
Nobody likes to work out during December, and not to mention January, but if you want to get lean and trim your body over the winter, you might want to start working out right about now.
Here we have 3 simple winter season exercises that will help you burn fat like crazy (without giving up all the delicious holiday food we like so much).
3 Simple But Effective Winter Workouts To Burn Fat Quickly

1. Box Squat Jump

Box Squat Jump is one of the best exercises for burning fat especially if you’re overweight as it is not so hard on your joints.
HOW TO DO IT: Place a dumbbell across your shoulders; face your elbows straight ahead with the fingers on top of the dumbbell. Sit way back onto the box with the back of your heels placed against it. Make sure to keep a flat and tight lower back position and relax your hip flexors, while keeping everything else as tight as possible. From this position jump as hard and as fast as possible straight up.

2. Battle Rope Wave

This relatively new exercise is great for overweight beginners, and here’s why:
  • It is super easy on your lower-body joints.
  • You can recover from it instantly.
  • You don’t need a warmup.
HOW TO DO IT: Hold the ends of the rope at arm’s length in front of your hips with your hands shoulder-width apart. Brace your core and begin alternately raising and lowering each arm explosively. Try going for up to 20 seconds and then rest for 40.

3. Muscle Snatch

This awesomely effective winter exercise is actually a modified version of the barbell snatch. It decreases the range of motion, which means it eliminates all the potential mobility problems.
HOW TO DO IT: Keep the bar close when it passes your knees, but make sure you feel it contact your thighs the entire way through the second pull. It is crucial to take full advantage of the momentum your hips create, then press the bar out at the top (the bar must go upward at all points).
If you are new to this exercise, it is probably a good idea to practice the move without load on the bar first as this will help you find your rhythm. Once you start loading up the bar, do sets of 10 to 20 reps and watch your unwanted fat burn away!


Top 5 Dirtiest Spots In Your Kitchen & How To Deal With Them

Top 5 Dirtiest Spots In Your Kitchen & How To Deal With Them

Although most people think of their bathroom when you ask them about the place in their house that contains most microbes, it is actually the kitchen that takes the cake here.
Surprised? Well, you shouldn’t be.
Your kitchen hides a plethora of germs like SalmonellaListeriaE. colimoldyeast
So if you want to know where they are lurking the most and what to do in order to get rid of them, you better read on and take notes.

5. Cutting Boards

This may sound surprising but almost every cutting board that has been poorly washed harbors E. coli. Even if you washed your produce/meat thoroughly before cutting it.
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO: If possible use separate cutting boards for vegetables, meat, seafood, and poultry. This is the only way to avoid cross-contamination.

4. Meat Compartment In Your Fridge

Your meat compartment is a dark and moist place – a perfect environment for microbes like salmonella, E. coli, yeast and mold.
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO: Clean your meat compartment thoroughly on a monthly basis. Do the same for the vegetable compartment as well!

3. Plastic/Rubber Food Containers

If you don’t have a habit of cleaning your food containers thoroughly, they are probably teeming with salmonella, yeast and mold.
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO: If you don’t want your food to spoil easily, make sure to wash both the container AND the lid in hot soapy water after each use.

2. Sink

We’ll let that sink in… Jokes aside, many people think sink is one of cleanest spots in their kitchen since everything gets washed in it. Wrong. According to latest researches 45% of kitchen sinks were found to have coliform bacteria.
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO: Disinfect the sink using a kitchen cleaner at least once a week.

1. Dish Sponges/Rags/Dishcloths

One NSF study claims that more than 75% of sponges and cloths used for dishwashing contain at least one sort of bacteria.
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO: Although this might seem a bit odd, try microwaving your sponges and/or dishcloths for about 30 seconds after washing your dishes. This will kill almost all bacteria on them.
from MyDiet

20 Weight Loss Foods That Actually Taste Good

11ook No wonder Popeye is so slim and good-looking. Ok, maybe not that good-looking, but healthy and fit for sure. Spinach is crucial for one’s health and strength, but it is also great for boosting your metabolism, which means it is a weight loss food as well. Cook it and toss in some sliced garlic, too!

2. Avocado: No wonder avocado is considered to be superfood. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids they can help reduce inflammation in the body and lower heart disease risk factors, such as hypertension and high cholesterol. This tasty fruit is great if you are looking to shed some of that weight and start treating your body with some healthy and tasty fruit.

3. Non-Fat Greek Yogurt: Non-fat Greek yogurt is delicious, creamy, and on top of all that, it does amazing things to your body. On average, one eight-ounce serving of this tasty cream will provide around 20 grams of muscle-feeding protein, while it leaves off the saturated fats. Toss in some fresh fruit, some nuts, or cinnamon, and enjoy the plethora of flavors Greek yogurt provides.

4. Broccoli: God knows how many times we included broccoli in some of our lists of healthy foods, but it is simply because broccoli is that awesome. Whether you eat it raw, steamed, cooked or grilled, you can never go wrong with this tasty veggie. It is packed with vitamins and it is one of the greatest weight loss and detox foods out there.

5. Dark Chocolate: Come to the dark side, we have chocolate. If you are looking to lose some of that extra weight but still eat something sweet, this one’s for you. Dark chocolate is most definitely the healthiest and tastiest form of treating yourself. The magic ingredient is cacao beans, which have the highest concentration of antioxidants of any known food, making it excellent for people who are looking to lose those love-handles.

6. Asparagus: We are making a little U-turn. Right after dark chocolate, we are delving deep into a veggie called Asparagus. This tasty rascal is high in lycopene, which has been found to be rather healthy, while it is also high in vitamins and fiber, which means it will help you strengthen your immune system, and feed your body with only the best stuff. Plus, it will also reduce your bad cholesterol.

7. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are simply perfect for people who are looking to lose some weight. When they are cooked, they break down the starch and turn it into maltose, which is why these potatoes end up tasting sweet. Not only are they full of the antioxidant, vitamin A, and high in fiber, they are also extremely delicious. Jackpot!

The post 20 Weight Loss Foods That Actually Taste Good appeared first on MyDiet.

from MyDiet


Why Early Rising Is Important For Your Weight Loss

Why Early Rising Is Important
Why Early Rising Is Important For Your Weight Loss

Research has shown time and again that people who are early risers have stronger immune systems and more energy throughout the day.

Individuals who get up early every morning are less prone to stress as they have more time to deal with their responsibilities – factors that can substantially contribute to your weight loss.

One of the things that can facilitate early rising and weight loss is less caffeine in your body.

Try limiting yourself to 2 cups of coffee per day with the last one being before 5 pm.

Award your body after a good night’s sleep with a healthy breakfast much heavier than a light dinner you had had by 6 pm the night before.

It is a well known fact that regular physical activity improves sleep and certainly aids in weight loss. It gives you more energy to deal with the headaches of your everyday life and it’s a great ally for falling asleep earlier after a serious workout.

Weight Loss Success Story: "I Got My High School Body Back"

"I Got My High School Body Back"
Weight Loss Success Story: "I Got My High School Body Back"

Up against the buffet relating to muck meals, Danica callathump don fifty kilos with school. though half command got everything off—€”and more!

Danica callathump prior to

twenty 5, 5'3"

Bradley seacoast, In. L.

Prior to: 183 single pound.

Attire sizing: twelve

Following: 123 single pound.

Attire sizing: 2

Complete kilos shed: fifty eight single pound.

Styles shed: five

A lot of individuals acquire your freshman fifteen. My married person and that i obtained the college fifty. Some tips on what occurred: My married person and that i spent my youth eater, having our mothers meals designed all around contemporary create via the woman's field. I quickly traveled to school, the place that the sole meat-free choices inside the food halls all over up oily chicken wings similarly as chips. And with our head dedicated to understanding for our twin vital, My married person and that i quit creating time for simply what My married person and that i perceived to be having. By the occasion My married person and that i graduated with 2012, My married person and that i perceived to be nearly 183 kilos.

Good-bye, muck grub

Fast-forward eight weeks; My married person and that i perceived to be residing similarly as doing add NY last however not least toughened some disposable income. My married person and that i thought we might range our insurance and take Intersystem. I had by no suggests that recently been practiced at dinner coming up with, thus the structure perceived to be ideal for everybody. On a day after day, I obtained many proportioned foods, as well as treat. My married person and that i supplemented these people having contemporary grocery product, rather like tiny packets relating to peanuts of that control everybody satisfiable in between foods. By merely nixing your takeaway food similarly as terpsichore the item with the world, My married person and that i force removed from forty kilos.

RELATED: nine tiny changes that create Going for walks Routines much better

Danica callathump when

Laura fire-raising

Which makes it unaccompanied

Nonetheless, My married person and that i recognized of that going for walks by itself weren't many, therefore with March 2014, My married person and that i joined the health spa similarly as loaded on courses. (Umbra perceived to be the favorite! ) in only a month, My married person and that i shed individuals last ten kilos. Right now, My married person and that i square measure in a very contemporary Jacket walkway area; being through the beach—where I may move, bike similarly as run—inspired everybody to figure removed from ten additional kilos. My married person and that i still receive foods provided, notwithstanding solely as a result of it creates life less complicated. i'm another time your healthy eater our mother stated.

Bring your health spa anywhere

I love your Cardio Develop similarly as Dark Flame video clips on Daily Burn. they are unbelievable for modification our abdomen muscles!

RELATED: however you'll be able to stay devoted to an honest estimate Prepare

Pump your surpasses

I am the new music article author, therefore i'm perpetually getting ready our coaching playlists. social group Distortion's "Highway 101" is unquestionably associate aged favorite!

Acquire sensible grains

My own electric power choose: quinoa. it's very versatile similarly as stuffing. My married person and that i increase the item to be able to salads having cut vinery.

Discover a pal

I've by no suggests that recently been an enormous jock, so i grab a follower plainly would like an extra drive. Or, within the event we might sort of a break via cardiopulmonary exercise, we have a tendency to square measure planning to do Pilates regarding the beach front.

Best sport Weight Widad

The exercise on a daily basis is essential for every human being wants to maintain his health and agility of his body, and even if were not able to go to the gym every day, you can exercise some kinds of sports light in your home so as to maintain your health always. And next to the exercise should not forget to eat healthy so that we can exercise and make use of them, prefers to stay away from foods that contain a lot of fats and oils and smoke, eat beneficial health foods such as fruits and vegetables, natural juices and seafood grilled, all of these beneficial foods for your body and your health .

And prefer to exercise after eating at least half an hour or an hour so as not to tire your body and cause harm, it must rest after food for a reasonable period and then begin to exercise. The most important exercise Statistics which helps in reducing weight and even when you are at home are: -

Exercise Walking: preferably brisk walking, one of the best exercises you can do exercising daily for half an hour or an hour if you can, when you exercise exercise walking, especially in the morning, clean air and inhalation will feel refreshed and vigor and vitality and you lose a lot of weight in all parts of your body.

Train Running: If you want to lose weight quickly you can practice running quickly exercise every day for almost half an hour without tire your body a lot, and will help you to lose weight quickly pulling all the muscles of your body in a short period.

Exercise ups and down stairs: The Rise and down stairs daily helps to burn fat and increase heart rate and tight muscles of the legs and much good for you, if you rise and descent of 20 degrees every day for two times a day and without straining your body much.

Exercise jump rope: Everyone March this beautiful sport in childhood, one of the most enjoyable games that we practice it and we are young, but not that the tariff sport skipping rope is one of the best sports to lose weight in quick time too.

Swimming: one of the best and most enjoyable sports to lose weight quickly and increase the activity of your body and also entertainment for yourself, practice of swimming for half an hour all the muscles of your body helps in weight loss.

You can also skiing and cycling, if possible, it will make you more active and rebound and help you a lot in your weight loss in a short period of time.

Jogging Bad For Weight Loss and Fitness? Yes!

Jogging Bad For Weight Loss and Fitness? Yes!

Drive down any scenic road on a weekend morning, and you're likely to see more joggers than scenery. You might feel jealous at how fit and energetic they look, and perhaps even a twinge of shame as you look down at the box of donuts in the seat next to you which was your purpose for being out this beautiful morning.
But are your feelings of jealousy and shame justified? Should it be you out there in high end cool running gear jogging along to shed some pounds and get more fit?
After a careful analysis, we think you'll agree the correct answer is NO, that should not be you. Why?
Because Jogging is BAD for weight loss and fitness.
While you definitely should be looking for ways to lose weight and become more fit, millions of people are doing more harm than good choosing jogging as their form of exercise. Can millions of people be wrong? Well, grab a donut, read on and decide for yourself.
Ok, let's be clear who and what we are talking about with some definitions:
JOGGER - Person who runs 1 hour per workout session at a pace of 5 miles per hour (12 minutes per mile). Since many joggers keep a faster pace than that. We will also address "Runners" who keep an 8 mile per hour pace (under 8 minutes per mile). These definitions are provided by the Mayo Clinic Weight Loss Website.
WEIGHT LOSS - The losing of weight per your scale or your clothes feeling more loose. Sorry, buying new, larger clothes does not qualify under this definition (be great if it would, eh?).
FITNESS - There are many ways to define fitness. We have chosen one that hopefully matters to the most people: A person's overall physical health measured by their ability to successfully perform a wide variety of functional tasks.
You will likely outeat the calories you burn while jogging or running
According to the Mayo Clinic, a 160 pound person who jogs for an hour will burn 584 calories. A 160 pound runner ramps up the calories burned in an hour to 986. If you weigh more you burn more calories, if you weigh less you burn less. Many people don't jog for an hour per workout, but we want joggers to have a chance at success here so we'll pretend they all do.
In order for our jogger to lose weight as a direct result of this workout they will need to ensure they do not eat more calories than the 584-986 they just burned. This is what's called the "caloric deficit" and it's probably the most widely accepted and proven method to weight loss.
How realistic is that? Not very. An hour of any exercise tends to create a pretty serious appetite at some point later that day (which would be the worst time to eat it by the way), let alone the feeling of "entitlement" that comes from a workout well done. So most joggers (from here forward when I say joggers I am including "runners" unless noted) are going to head out for a nice meal to celebrate their efforts. A meal that will have much higher calories than what they would eat if they didn't jog.
But does it really take a huge meal to make jogging or running a net loser for weight loss? The Power Bar you eat right before the run has 230 calories, that bagel with the cream cheese "schmear" you eat with your running group after the run has 400 or more calories, as does ONE decent sized slice of pepperoni pizza you've surely earned. If you decide to splurge on dessert because you jogged today, any decent one will surely add 500 or more calories. We won't even mention the couple extra beers or glasses of wine...oops, guess we just did!
So it's a good bet that joggers and even runners will add enough calories to their diets on exercise days to outeat what they just burned, which at best will be a breakeven, and very often will create a net caloric (as in WEIGHT) GAIN.
But we are not stopping there. What about on those days you don't jog? How many people are really that disciplined to cut back on their eating since they won't be burning those additional calories? More often, you hear "I'll run this off tomorrow" as they head back for seconds on the pasta. So, now the increase in calories caused by jogging on workout days leads to more calories on non workout days, further increasing weight gain.
We contend this is how MOST people manage their eating, which means most joggers are gaining weight as a result of their jogging efforts.
To be fair, there are a select few people who do manage their calories more effectively than outlined above-- we have a name for those people - "The 2% club": The 2% of people who successfully maintain a low calorie diet. While members of the 2% club can create a caloric deficit by jogging, it still will not be a significant deficit, and more importantly 2% Clubbers DON'T NEED TO JOG TO LOSE WEIGHT because they are successfully dieting!
You will actually lose muscle while jogging, especially since jogging does not involve your upper body in any meaningful way.
A "catabolic state" refers to the state in which your body is burning protein for its nutritional needs. A catabolic state is one you'd like to avoid as it means you are burning muscle to create energy for your exercise efforts. Yet joggers and runners are putting their bodies in this state every time they work out.
When you jog you are using your leg muscles which gives them a reason to grow stronger. That's good, but to jog for an hour your body needs to find energy, and low intensity activities like jogging for an hour will need to access energy from all possible sources which include fat and muscle.
Here's a simple question: What does jogging do to benefit your upper body? Simple answer: NOTHING. So along with the fat you want to burn, your body is burning muscle as part of it's energy to let you do your jogging workouts. And, where is it most likely to "catabolize" this muscle? From your upper body where it's not being used and therefore not needed.
And while jogging can give you stronger legs, a weak upper body is harmful to fitness as defined at the start of this essay. This is one example of how jogging harms your fitness. There's more to come.
Most joggers and runners become aware of this and start doing upper body resistance training such as weight lifting to prevent muscle catabolism. That's a really good idea, but that's not jogging for fitness is it? No, that's having to do MORE exercise to offset the negative effects of jogging!
Plus, studies indicate that every pound of muscle on your body takes 3 to 10 times more calories to support than fat, so allowing any muscle catabolism means you are actually slowing your metabolism throughout the day. Slower metabolism does not sound like a good thing for either weight loss or fitness does it?
Again, the devil's advocate will want to argue that joggers can minmize muscle catabolism without supplemental exercise by using Target Heart Rate Training. Basically, this involves exercising at a rate below your "target" heart rate to encourage more fat burning. So now we are jogging slower which means we are burning fewer calories which harms our caloric deficit. This makes weight loss even more difficult. Now we're confused. What's the most effective way to jog again? Do we jog faster and burn more calories or jog slower and save more muscle?
Your body will adapt to the challenge of jogging fairly quickly, thus making it progressively harder to lose weight or become more fit. Once your body adapts to jogging you enter a "death spiral" of needing to run further or faster or both to see any further improvement.
Adaptive response is just a fancy way of saying that your body will do it's best to adjust to whatever level of exercise you are trying to do. It will "adapt". This is why it's a lot easier to complete the 1 hour jog after you have done it 10 times than it is the first time you try it.
But when it comes to weight loss, adaptive response is exactly what you don't want. It means your body has reached a state where jogging is no longer a challenge, and because you are now capable of handling the task at hand, there is no reason to drop any additional fat or add any more muscle. In addition, your metabolism has a similar adapative response. You will be doing the same exercise, but whatever metabolic benefits you were getting will continue to decrease the better you get at it. You might think of this situation as a "plateau".
As adaptive response makes your runs less and less effective from a fitness, metabolic and weight loss standpoint, joggers are left with 2 choices: run faster or run farther to give your body a new challenge that it needs to improve upon in order to adapt. Running faster or farther is not necessarily a bad thing, but it dramatically increases your chances of injury and also starts to take an excessive amount of time to perform an effective workout. Plus it's HARD. A much harder jog (or run) that lasts a lot longer increases your chances of giving up on your jogging program. And if you do give up jogging because it becomes too much work to see any results, you are at risk of significant weight gain without an even more restrictive diet.
Bottom line, your adaptive response to jogging has a positive aspect in that it's good for your ability to jog (not necessarily for your overall fitness--see PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS), but it's BAD for your weight loss efforts, and it creates a never ending "death spiral" of harder, longer jogs or harder, faster runs that most people will have trouble staying with due to injury or lack of motivation.
Jogging's repetitive motion over long periods of time makes joint injuries very likely. Other injury and health concerns come from the adaptive response death spiral mentioned above, running in traffic and in inclement weather.
Pavement is hard and unforgiving. Your legs pounding against it for thousands of steps per jogging session can cause serious short term and long term injuries to your joints and muscles.
Sure, there are good running shoes that can help prevent injuries, but sooner or later you're bound to injure a knee or ankle or even worse, a hip while jogging.
There's also the issue of running on the roads with automobile traffic which has been known to cause serious injury or even death. That cannot be considered a plus for joggers.
And, the sheer length of jogging, a repetitive motion for 1 full hour, increases the chance of a variety of injuries like shin splints or a variety of foot problems versus shorter forms of exercise due to muscle fatigue.
There's more. Consideration must be given to the health and safety risk of running in inclement weather. Jogging in extreme heat or cold, rain, snow or worst of all icy conditions greatly increases the risk of injury or an illness that makes you miss workouts for a short period of time or possibly something worse.
Of course the treadmill offers a viable solution to many of these issues, but not all of them. And many joggers insist on jogging outdoors throughout the year. When they do, the risk of injuries and other health related issues is very real and should be considered in an evaluation of the benefits of jogging.
Jogging has few practical applications. Jogging is not a good form of training for most other activities -- except for more jogging. Plus, the loss of upper body muscle and lower body joint problems that often result from jogging can actually decrease your overall fitness level.
Remember our definition of fitness: A person's overall physical health measured by their ability to successfully perform a wide variety of functional tasks.
We would have to concede jogging could improve your abilities at the following activities:
1) More Jogging
2) Basketball - well not really the sprinting up and down the court to be competitive, but you can jog down to set up a half court play with the best of them.
3) Football - Jogging from the huddle to the line of scrimmage.
4) Baseball - Jogging to the dugout with a beer in your hand at your weekly softball league.
Umm, that's all we can think of. The rest of the activities in the above sports and many others like skiing, tennis and golf require strength (both muscle and joint), the ability to use your body at full speed, as well as hand eye coordination, none of which are helped by jogging.
The fact that jogging has no practical applications as cross training for any other sport makes it a lot of time spent for very little benefit, except of course for #1 above--more jogging. This is especially true when you compare jogging to other exercise alternatives like strength training, and interval training. You can spend a lot less time exercising and become more effective at performing all sorts of other sports and activities. This in turn offers you more opportunities to have fun and improve your fitness. Does developing your jogging skills help you with any other activities or tasks you like to do?
Based upon the overwhelming evidence outlined above, the verdict is Jogging is a BAD exercise for weight loss and fitness. Running for an hour at a faster pace does offer certain advantages over jogging but still ends up a net negative for weight loss and fitness when all the factors are considered.
So, the next time you head out for weekend donuts you can smile at thin or fit looking joggers, because now you know they didn't get that way by only jogging. And when you get home, grab a maple custard (my favorite!) and spend 30 minutes studying weight loss and fitness plans that work on improving your body's metabolism to solve the caloric deficit problem because there are much better ways than exercising endlessly and cutting calories. Also, a good fitness plan should prepare you for a wide variety of tasks and activities.
If you study hard and plan correctly, your exercise program should only take half the time the joggers spend but will take you much further down the road to weight loss and fitness.
We hope you do your homework and find the plan that's right for you because being happy with your weight and fitness is a great feeling that everyone should enjoy.
c 2010 Jon B Pearlstone Consulting, Inc. No part of this material should be reproduced without the written consent of Jon B Pearlstone Consulting, Inc. Contact
Mr. EET is the Founder of the EET Fitness Plan. EET uses the power of Eating and Exercise Timing to create optimal health and fitness with workouts under 30 minutes and no food restrictions except the TIMES you can eat various foods.

Can Rapid Weight Loss Cause Back Pain?

It is well-established that being overweight or obese increases one's chance of experiencing lower back pain. With that in mind, it makes sense to view weight loss as a back pain treatment. Rapid weight loss, however, can cause back pain in a number of ways.
Rapid weight loss diets often revolve around the principle of ketosis, where the body burns its fat due to a decrease in the supply of sugars it receives to burn. Low-carbohydrate diets fall into this category. When cutting out grains and fruits, you will miss out on some of the nutrients you usually receive. The whole body is affected by malnutrition; muscles will not be able to function properly and may spasm or weaken, causing them to become easily strained.
If your diet restricts certain food groups, you should be taking supplements to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs. Look for diets like Ideal Protein that take measures to compensate for nutrient loss.
Low-carbohydrate diets like Atkins and Zone are diuretic diets; they increase water loss to drop weight quickly. If uninformed or uninstructed, it is easy to become dehydrated while following one of these diets.
The body is made up of about 70% water. Spinal discs rely on water to maintain height and their ability to absorb shock. Dehydration reduces the fluids available to spinal discs, which could lead to speedy disc degeneration, bulging or herniation. Muscles also need fluids in order to receive and absorb electrolytes. When dehydrated, muscles begin to cramp.
If you want to follow a low-carb diet, make sure your plan involves instructions on water intake.
Loss Of Muscle Tone
Some people pursuing rapid weight loss plans with low-caloric intake are instructed to avoid strenuous activities such as exercise for a while, since the body is adjusting to less fuel. Being sedentary can cause rapid loss of muscle tone. The muscles of the lower back and abdomen are meant to work together to support the upper body and the spine's alignment. As these muscles soften, posture may suffer. Various muscles throughout the back, neck and shoulders become sore and strained due to bad posture.
Some people's weight loss plans involve high-intensity, regular exercise to help burn fat. If you're taking in less calories and burning more of them, you may be putting your health at risk.
Your body needs calories for energy and repair. If you're working your muscles extra hard and giving them less fuel to work with, you're more susceptible to strains. Also, not resting long enough for muscles to heal is a cause of back pain among dieters. Intense workouts should not be done on a daily basis.
Though an exact reason for this is not know, diets that are very low in fat and/or calories can disrupt the functioning of the gallbladder. This organ assists the liver in the digestion of fats. It is thought that a limited supply of fat prevents the gallbladder from contracting and releasing its bile regularly, which could lead to the development of stones as substances in the bile stagnate and harden.
Gallstones and bile retention cause the gallbladder to inflame. Since it is located in close approximation to the muscles of the lower back and abdomen on the right side, inflammation of the organ can cause radiating pain in the back and stomach.
Warning: If Weight Loss is Unexplained
If you are losing weight without dieting and have back pain, this could be a sign of a serious medical condition. Cancerous spinal tumors can cause weight loss, changes in appetite, fatigue, back pain, vomiting, fever and/or neurological problems. If you are losing weight unexpectedly, seek medical attention.
For some people, losing weight quickly is a necessity. For others, it is a choice. Achieving a healthy weight is a goal that should be pursued for the good of your back and for your quality and length of life. Be wary of crash diets. Seek out plans that pay attention to nutritional requirements and hydration. If you experience back pain on a rapid weight loss diet, it could be a sign that your body is either not getting what it needs or that you are working out too hard.
Don't let back pain get in the way of your weight loss goal. Picking the right diet will ensure you are quickly and safely losing weight. If possible, consult with a trusted health professional about your dieting plan.
Safe choices for pain management solutions exist. Educate yourself in alternative solutions for back pain management. Please ask questions, give comments or stories related to this article submission regarding back pain management.

Quick Weight Loss - Some Sound Advice

Quick Weight Loss - Some Sound Advice

How many of you are searching for the perfect quick weight loss diet? Well probably most of you out
there would love to find some great ways to do so. If that's the case here are some suggestions to consider

While there are many advertised quick weight loss diets the secret to losing weight is basically to burn off more calories through exercise and activity than you take in through eating. But it is more than just calories and more than just exercise

Many people would think that the fastest way to lose weight is to starve yourself and then work out 
constantly. And that may be nice in theory but it usually doesn't work out too well in practice

So here are some solid suggestions to consider. The first thing is that you do certainly want to minimize the amount of food you eat in a day. This may be significantly less than you normally eat. So you'll probably be very hungry. One suggestion therefore is to drink plenty of fluids which contain no calories) ie water)

Drinking lots of water will tend to make you feel fuller. And it happens to be good for your body as it can help to flush out impurities and toxins trapped in your tissues

Eat plenty of vegetables like lettuce and celery. They are low in calories but high in fiber. So they are good for the body and tend to make you feel fuller. Limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates. And by all means avoid sugars! Try to stick primarily with lean meats as well as fruits and vegetables

If you eat your biggest meal at night have it earlier than usual so that you can be active longer than usual. The worst thing is to have a big meal later in the evening and then settle down

Which brings up the topic of exercise. In order to have the best success in quick weight loss you must exercise. This needn't be overly involved. For example you don't have to go to the gym or hire a personal trainer. Simply doing some brisk walking around your neighborhood every day is a great start. First thing is the morning is usually a great way to start your day and keep your mind sharp and your body active

If you follow some of these simple suggestions you should have great success at quick weight loss. Since you should be burning more calories than you are taking in you can't help but lose weight. It really works

Jake Chappelle has been in the military and fitness industry for more than 10 years. His goal is to get U.S. citizens in better healthy shape. For more information on quick weight loss, please visit

How To Succeed On A Quick Weight Loss Diet

You have seen them come and go. You may have even tried them out yourself. I am, of course, talking about quick weight loss diets. There seems to be a new one every other week. The truth is, many people are trying to lose weight in the United States, and they quickly jump from one fad diet to another. For many people, quick weight loss diets are like clothes. You try them for a while then you switch to another one when something 'better' comes along. If you have tried your share of these fad diets, you are probably feeling frustrated specially if you haven't made much progress in your personal Battle against the Bulge. If you would like to succeed with quick weight loss diets, you need to keep the following truths in mind.

Losing weight cannot deviate from a simple formula

If you want to lose weight, you can't deviate from the iron rule of weight loss: the amount of calories you have left over at the end of the day must be less than the amount of calories your body needs to maintain your current weight. That's all there is to it. It truly is that simple. Unfortunately, to be able to get a negative calorie count at the end of every single day, you will need a lot of willpower. This is where all the quick weight loss diets, and fad diet schemes come in. They all try to 'help' you with the first part of the weight loss equation: lowering your calorie in take. You see, there are only three ways to truly get a negative calorie count. You either eat fewer calories while burning the same amount of calories as before, eat the same amount of calories as before but increase your calorie burn rate, or, ideally, lower your calorie intake while boosting your calorie burning level. Fad diets try to help you minimize your calorie intake. There are some foods that supposedly boost your metabolism while containing few calories. The truth is that even the best fad diet won't be able to help you if you don't have the will power.

It all begins and ends with your willpower

Many of the fad diets, special low-calorie meal plans, and quick weight loss diets out there exist because they actually work. They will make you thinner by reducing your intake of calories or help you reduce your portions while boosting your metabolism. The problem is you have to find the willpower to stay on your diet.

Click link below to learn how to find your willpower.

Click here to learn how to find your willpower:

Bill and Joan Loganeski have discovered a meal replacement you can make at home for very little money and when combined with our Saturday Morning Diet plan it will help you lose the weight. The Saturday
Morning Diet channel is our educational and information channel to help you use lose weight in a healthy way.

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Fast Weight Loss - 7 Day Diet Program For Quick Weight Loss

Top 50 Weight Loss Tips
Fast Weight Loss - 7 Day Diet Program For Quick Weight Loss

Do you have a big event coming up? Perhaps you have a great dress that you bought in the hopes of losing ten pounds, but just haven't gotten around to losing enough weight to fit into it. In addition to supplements and other weight loss products, maybe the solution to your problem is a seven-day diet.

Seven-day diets are developed to be followed for ONLY seven days, with at least two weeks in between.

The popular cabbage soup diet, for example, has stringent guidelines for days one through seven, and promises a weight loss of about ten pounds in a week. As long as you go back to a sensible diet program after your seven day stretch, it is presumable that you can lose weight and keep it off. If your problem is obesity, this might not be the best plan for you, but if you're just a little bit overweight and just want to fit into those jeans from high-school this is a great alternative to a diet like Atkins or working yourself to death at the gym.

It goes a little something like this. Day one: eat any fruit except for bananas, and as much cabbage soup as you want. Drink any unsweetened teas and cranberry juice and plenty of water. Day two: Eat as many veggies as you can stand. Try to go with leafy green stuff (cooked or raw is fine) and stay away from dry beans, peas, and corn. Eat any veggies you want with your soup, and for a hard day's work congratulate yourself with a baked potato for dinner. You can even splurge with a little butter. For day three mix the first two days up, except no baked potato. On day four, eat as many bananas and drink as much skim milk as you'd like with your soup. No other fruit or veggies. This day is designed to lessen your sweet cravings.

Now you're already half way through the week. That wasn't so hard, was it? On day five, you can work some meat into your diet with either chicken (no skin!) or beef. Ten to twenty ounces of meat and up to six fresh tomatoes with at least one serving of your soup makes for an exquisite day of dining. Day six you can eat as much veggies and beef as you'd like with at least one serving of soup. On one of the two days, you can substitute broiled fish for your beef, but not both. On the last day, eat some brown rice and drink any unsweetened fruit juice. Eat as much as you'd like, and make sure you eat soup at least once.

That's it. By now, you should have achieved your short term weight loss goals with this low-fat diet, and with continued sensible eating and supplements, you should have no problem keeping the weight off. For more tips, do a quick Internet search. There are a variety of free diet plans on the web, including detailed menus for this and other like diets.

There are many products available to help you lose weight. There are supplements, diet plans, programs and online support systems to help you manage your eating habits and measure your weight loss progress. Some of these companies provide support and help with your dieting program. We can help you by providing you with a free list of our recommended best sources for effective weight loss products and services.
See My Top 50 Weight Loss Tips

Super Quick Weight Loss Advice - Surefire Ideas to Help You Succeed With Weight Loss

t's good to have quick weight loss tips to help you with your nutrition and exercise. Weight loss normally happens gradually, but there are some things you can do to lose weight faster. People are suffering from various mental and physical diseases because of their weight. Obesity affects our jobs, and our health. Not getting the proper exercise or nutrition are the major causes of being overweight. Weight loss can help prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart attacks. Therefore, by following quick weight loss tips, you can help save, and extend your life. The fact is, you have to lose weight in order to stay healthy. Our body weight increases due to many reasons, such as overeating, and thyroid problems. But we shouldn't forget laziness, as caused by our computers, TV's, video games, and those big cars and trucks that we drive, that make us lazy to walk. But, there are many ways in which we can reduce our weight, and stay fit.

Here are Quick Weight Loss Tips You Can Try

Without a doubt, exercising is the best way one can lose weight. Though this method requires a lot of hard work and effort, it's the most effective way to lose weight. You can start your exercise routine each morning by going for a nice walk. The air is fresh in the early hours of the morning, and you won't encounter a lot of pollution producing vehicles.

Walking not only helps us to reduce weight, but also helps us to strengthen our leg muscles, and give us a good cardio workout if we increase our walking speed. Fresh air is very healthy for our bodies.

Joining a gym is another one of the highly recommended quick weight loss tips. Gyms provide the convenience of supplying all of the necessary machines and weights to help you lose weight, and exercise. Fitness instructors can also recommend good nutrition plans for you.

Next, you could join a Yoga class. Yoga helps you with weight loss through exercising both your mind and body. Yoga stretching also helps with your blood circulation and keeps your muscles flexible. A systematic weight loss approach includes eating a minimum of five servings of vegetables and fruit every day. Consume smaller portions and never skip meals. Vegetables and fruit are nature's gift to good nutrition and weight loss.

It's also a good idea to know about your Ideal Weight and Body Mass Index before starting your exercise routines. Both help give us a target weight, and this often helps to motivate us. By knowing what other people and doctors think is a healthy weight for your height and age, should be important to you. Having some ideal figures will keep you focused to lose weight. Naturally, how your fuel your body's tank is also one of the important quick weight loss tips. Aim for a balance of nutrition to help prevent illnesses that occur every day. A proper carbohydrate level can give you a lot of needed energy to work out. For this, our bodies still need food that is rich in starch, fiber, and natural sugars. Protein is required to feed our muscles, too. You can't exercise very hard unless you have both protein and carbohydrates energizing your body.

Be sure to read our shocking Brazil Butt Lift reviews and discover how you can quickly improve your body with Brazilian Butt Lift today.

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How to Lose Weight Without Diet Pills - Quick Weight Loss Tricks That Take Less Than 1 Minute

Here's how to lose weight without diet pills. Use these quick weight loss tricks if your weight is a concern for you. Don't say you're too busy to do them. As you just read, they take less than a minute each. Your health is important... so READ THIS NOW!

How to Lose Weight Without Diet Pills

1. The belly rub

The belly rub helps to localize fat loss around your belly. You accomplish this by rubbing your hands together.

HUH... you're saying! Rubbing your hands is important because you're creating heat.

So after 15 seconds of doing that. Begin to rub circles around your belly button. Just small ones.


Well, the heat from your hand shoots like a laser beam through your skin and into the fat cells. The fat cells don't like that. They end up getting incinerated. Not all of them, but some of them.

Repeatedly doing these belly rubs for about 1 minute each time will burn more and more of these fat cells. Overall, do this for 5 minutes a day... 1 minute at a time.

2. The cold water rinse

Time... 15-20 seconds. What do you do? Take your normal shower. After you're done... rinse with really cold water. Rinse all over your body. That's it.

Listen, it's a shock to your body. Cold water is harsh. But this cold water creates thermogenesis within your body. So just tolerate it for 15 seconds so your body goes into super fast fat burning mode.

3. Spin like a kid

Time... 15-20 seconds to do 5-15 spins. Why do this? It has to do with your hormones.

You know hormones are an important factor in weight loss, yeah? Spinning address your hormones. How and why is beyond this short article. Just know they balance your hormones which encourage massive weight loss fast.

Use these quick weight loss tricks and you'll know how to lose weight without diet pills for the rest of your life.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan

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The 6 Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Exercises for Weight Loss
The 6 Best Exercises for Weight Loss

exercise is an quintessential a part of a healthful way of life. in addition to assisting you lose the ones more kilos, exercise can enhance and tone your muscle tissues, assist reduce stress, and decorate your universal nicely-being. each exercise session ought to encompass a five to ten minute warm-up and cool-all the way down to save you injury and improve flexibility. also, remember that healthful consuming and exercising need to pass hand-in-hand to shed pounds and keep it off. select a few of your favorites and preserve it a laugh!


Take the pressure off your joints and strive swimming for weight loss. Swimming laps for an hour can burn 511 to 763 energy depending on your weight, and just floating around inside the pool or swimming leisurely won't do the trick.


even as on foot is an powerful low-impact activity, jogging or going for walks can definitely ramp up the calorie burn.

relying on your weight, walking for one hour at five mph can burn between 600 and 900 calories. Throw in a few c language schooling and you will hearth up the metabolism even extra, in addition to add a bit spice in your workouts. So, in preference to doing an clean 3 mile jog every day, add some hills or pace play (jog three minutes, run speedy 1 min) to keep matters interesting. you could additionally add more challenge to your stroll with strolling or hill periods. as an instance, in case you walk for half-hour, you can throw in a 1 to two minute jog each five mins.

power training

power education, together with lifting weights or the usage of resistance to target a sure muscle institution, allows to growth lean muscles, which makes muscle extra metabolically lively than fat. This additionally approach that your body will burn extra calories, even at the same time as you're at relaxation. Spot lowering is a delusion, so choose a balanced strength education program so that it will target all the primary muscle organizations (chest, returned, abs, shoulders, quadriceps (thighs), hamstrings, glutes, & calves) for the quality results.


From a motivating aerobics magnificence at your gymnasium to a DVD on your living room, there's a large kind of aerobic sporting activities to choose from. Getting everyday cardio exercising is a super manner to burn a number of energy and reach your weight reduction desires. you could choose a excessive or low impact fashion depending for your health stage. you can dissipate to six hundred energy in one hour with low-impact aerobics; more or less 800 calories in a single hour with excessive-effect aerobics.


leaping and bounding actions that venture your muscle tissues in new approaches is known as Plyometrics. further to assisting you shed pounds, the explosive quickness and intensity inherent in plyometric sporting activities additionally improves cardiac fitness and builds staying power. This sort of education is likewise greater superior and may cause harm if no longer accomplished effectively, or if you have present joint issues. For satisfactory results and safety functions, visit a private trainer or sports medicinal drug physician before you begin a brand new program. some examples of plyometric physical games include burpees, leap squats, jump lunges, double leg hops, power push-united statesand plank jacks.

pass-u . s . snowboarding

just an hour at the trails can burn between 500 and 800 calories. cross-country skiing will absolutely get your coronary heart pumping and paintings multiple muscle businesses.

Robin Reichert is an AFPA certified nutrients consultant, AFPA certified personal trainer, Beachbody educate and freelance author that specialize in health and health. She has been involved inside the health and health enterprise
 for over 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the college of San Francisco and a master of technological know-how in herbal health. Her services consist of both in-domestic personal training and online health education. To discover greater about the Beachbody training business or some of Beachbody's most famous fitness applications, together with P90X or madness, you may visit her weblog and/or website at
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