Weekly Dose Of Healthy Recipes: Bloody Mary Beef

Bloody Mary Beef
Weekly Dose Of Healthy Recipes: Bloody Mary Beef

Halloween is in one week, which means it’s time to whip out your craftiest costume and make sure everyone that comes to your party gets a treated to a delicious and nutritious meal in the spirit of the event.

In that name, we present to you this Bloody Mary beef recipe. It does sound a bit scary, but this tasty dish needs to be cooked for over 6 hours. Don’t be afraid though, as it will let you do the rest of the party preparations as it slowly turns into an 8-person meal.


1 kg of beef brisket
1 head of celery
4 red onions
Bay leaves
1.5 kg of potatoes
1 large cabbage
1 knob of butter
1 tablespoon of horseradish
Olive oil
Sea salt
White pepper

*For the Bloody Mary:

700g of passata
Tabasco sauce
1 tablespoon of horseradish
3 tablespoons of vodka
1 tablespoon of port
Juice from ½ lemon

Step-By-Step Preparation 

1-Preheat the oven to 130°C/250°F and get heat up a casserole pan over a medium heat.
2-Season the beef brisket with salt and pepper and put onto the pan along with olive oil. Cook for 10 minutes. 

3-Chop up celery and onions and add them to the brisket. Reduce the heat and cook for another 5 to 10 minutes. 

4-Mix up your Bloody Mary in a large jug, then add to the brisket pan along with 250ml of cold water, some salt and pepper. Also add thyme, rosemary, and bay in this step, then cook to a boil.
5-Transfer the brisket from the heat to the oven, cover with tin foil, and leave it to cook for 5 to 6 hours. 

6-When there’s about half an hour to go, slice the potatoes into chunks and put into a large pan of cold salted water. Place on high heat and let them boil for 10-15 minutes. 

7-Clean the cabbage head and roll up the leaves, then boil them for 3 to 5 minutes in water. 

8-Drain the potatoes and mash them together with horseradish and butter. Serve them with greens on a plate, and leave the beef in its own pan on the table.

Bon appétit!
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