Showing posts with label THE BEST WORKOUTS FOR WEIGHT LOSS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THE BEST WORKOUTS FOR WEIGHT LOSS. Show all posts

Cold Or Hot? Which Is Better For Your Sore Throat?

Cold Or Hot? Which Is Better For Your Sore Throat?

Cold Or Hot? Which Is Better For Your Sore Throat?

Cold Or Hot? Which Is Better For Your Sore Throat?

November is almost over and that means only one thing – sore throat season! That scratchy and dry sensation can really be a pain in the, well, neck.
But don’t fret just yet, as we have the right solution for you.
Sore throat is a rather treatable condition and simple self-care measures can go a long way when it comes to easing this annoying sensation.
Since you are probably wondering whether hot or cold foods and beverages are better for this condition, we have decided to delve a little deeper into this matter.
It appears that both have their merits. Let’s see how:

Hot Fluids As The Logical Solution

Hot fluids are always a safe bet. Not only do they help soothe your sore throat almost instantly, but they will also help you in the long run.
Hot fluids are known to loosen mucus, which may also help you with congestion and stuffiness.
  • Hot soup
  • Warm lemonade
  • Hot tea
But what about:

Cold Treats?

Contrary to popular beliefs cold treats also have many a benefit when it comes to relieving the discomfort associated with a sore throat.
According to, eating cold treats will also help ease your pain and act like an analgesic. (Removing tonsils anyone?)
  • Ice pops
  • Ice cream
  • Ice chips
All these will decrease the inflammation and irritation affecting your pharynx and help you deal with sore throat. And they are also quite delicious.
from MyDiet

The 2 Minutes Microwave Chocolate Souffle (Molten Lava Cake)

The 2 Minutes Microwave Chocolate Souffle (Molten Lava Cake)
The 2 Minutes Microwave Chocolate Souffle (Molten Lava Cake)

Easy, fast and the right portion. I love it. Microwave Chocolate Souffle.

1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon unsalted butter
2 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon sifted Dutch-processed cocoa
¼ teaspoon baking powder
Pinch salt
½ ounce chunk of semisweet or milk chocolate
Scoop of vanilla ice cream


Melt butter in the mug in the microwave. Whisk in the milk and sugar, then the flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt using a fork. You should have a liquid batter. Drop the chunk of chocolate or the chocolate chips in the center and press it down gently to make sure it is submerged. Microwave on High power for 30 seconds and check. The cake should look puffed and a bit dull. Insert a spoon and the batter should have produced a cake-like texture with a molten chocolate center. Serve with an optional, but highly recommended, scoop of ice cream.

Eat immediately.

How To Recover After Overeating On Thanksgiving Day In 3 Easy Steps

How To Recover After Overeating On Thanksgiving Day In 3 Easy Steps
How To Recover After Overeating On Thanksgiving Day In 3 Easy Steps

Ah, the Thanksgiving Day – the mothership of every holiday overeating… If you are reading this article, chances are you ate more than you should have during the festivities and now you need a quick recovery plan.
If this is the case, buckle up for a quick ride towards a healthy day after Thanksgiving.

1. Eat Only Once You Get Really Hungry

This one can be crucial – wait until you are hungry to eat and don’t eat just because “it is that time of day”.
The day after Thanksgiving is everything but a usual day for your tummy.
Your body is digesting a great deal of food, so the trick is to wait until you are truly hungry and not eat the full meal.
You can get back into a routine of eating 3 square meals tomorrow.

2. Rest Your Body

Your body is probably in a bit of a shock due to all the unnecessary foods you have been eating. Let’s face it, you probably ate all of these:
  • Turkey
  • Yams
  • Potato salad
  • Green beans
  • Pies
  • Fruits…
This is why you need to eat only when you are hungry and rest your body for the first half of the day after.
Which brings us to our final step:

3. Exercise Your Lymph System

Once your resting is over, it is time to speed up the process of recovery by moving.
According to “Your lymph system is the detoxification system of your body and it only works at a high level, when your body is moving. What mobilizes waste products for elimination faster than any other natural force? Movement!”
So that’s it people! Eat only when you’re hungry, rest your body a little bit, and then get moving!

from MyDiet

3 Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Recipes That Are Better Than The Classics



  • 2 heads of cauliflower (washed and cut)
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 3/4 tsp seasoned salt
  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika
  • 2 and a half cups whole milk
  • 2 cups grated Smoked Gouda cheese
  • 3 cups grated cheddar cheese (divided)

Step By Step Preparation:

  1. Preheat oven to 350°.
  2. Boil water in large sauce pan, add salt and prepared cauliflower.Boil for 3-5 minutes, or until cauliflower is tender, then drain completely.
  3. In a large skillet melt the butter over medium heat, whisk in the flour, seasoned salt and smoked paprika, and stir. Cook for about 30 seconds then slowly stream in the milk.
  4. Bring the mix to a boil (stirring the whole time), then add the Smoked Gouda and 2 cups of cheddar. Stir until cheese is melted.
  5. Pour your cheese sauce on top of cauliflower, sprinkle with remaining grated cheese and place in oven for 20-25 minutes.

2. Maple Chipotle Sweet Potatoes


  • 4 to 4 ½ pounds sweet potatoes
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 1 canned chipotle pepper plus 1 teaspoon adobo sauce
  • 4 tablespoons maple syrup, divided
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • Pepper
  • zest of one orange

Step By Step Preparation:

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them into quarters, place in a large saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Cook until the potatoes are cooked through.
  2. In small saucepan, put cream, butter and chipotle plus adobo sauce, bring the mix to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Drain potatoes and mix for 1 minute, then add cream mixture, 2 tablespoons maple syrup, salt and pepper and orange zest.
  4. Mix until creamy and serve with drizzle of remaining syrup.

3. Gluten-Free Vegan Apple Crisp


  • 8 small-medium apples (peeled, cored and chopped)
  • dash lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • heaping 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of salt

Topping Ingredients:

  • heaping 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup gluten free flour blend
  • 1/2 cup gluten free old fashioned oats
  • 1/4 cup almond meal
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch salt
  • 1/3 cup non-dairy butter (melted)


  1. Preheat oven to 375° and lightly grease a 9×9 baking dish.
  2. Add apples to a large bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice, then coat with granulated sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, and salt. Transfer to baking dish and set aside.
  3. In a dry bowl add brown sugar, flour, meal, oats, cinnamon and salt and stir. Add melted butter and mix. Sprinkle the topping over the apples and bake until the topping is golden brown (typically around 55 minutes).
  4. Serve with vanilla ice cream.
Bon Appétit!
from MyDiet

3 Crucial Food-Safety Tips To Have In Mind This Thanksgiving

3 Crucial Food-Safety Tips To Have In Mind This Thanksgiving
3 Crucial Food-Safety Tips To Have In Mind This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving dinner is something we all look forward to throughout the whole year. All the joy, happiness and of course – a ton of delicious food!
However, this holiday feast can sometimes turn into quite an ordeal.
Food poisoning is always an option and that’s why we decided to give you these 3 important food safety tips so your Thanksgiving dinner goes as smoothly as it should.

1. Buy Quality Food

You need to choose your food carefully as the ingredients are critical when it comes to good and successful Thanksgiving dinner. You don’t want to disappoint your family and friends, right?
Remember, you are going to buy A LOT of stuff for your big occasion, so make sure you get quality ingredients and always check for expiration dates on the packages.
In order to do all the necessary shopping and preparation you need to start early and give yourself ample time to do everything you need. When shopping for ingredients, make sure you check:
  • the color,
  • texture,
  • packaging,
  • and firmness
of the meat, fruits and vegetables you are buying at the market.

2. Store Your Food Properly

Another crucial thing to do with your groceries is to store them immediately after you come home, and do it properly.
Make sure you don’t buy food and THEN go shopping for other stuff. Yes, we know Black Friday sales are rather tempting, but you need to go home immediately after you get all your Thanksgiving products.
If you leave them in your car for a few hours, it is possible that certain items might start to collect potentially dangerous microorganisms.
Also, make sure you store your ingredients properly. Think:
  • refrigerator,
  • freezer
  • pantry.

3. Never Overstuff The Turkey

As says: “To stuff or not to stuff the turkey? That is the question.”
If you buy a quality turkey (which is a must, you’ll agree), there’s really no need to overstuff it. The meat will be delicious as it is, and the stuffing should only be there as an icing on the cake.
You can always prepare and cook the stuffing separately, which is always the safest option.
If you however choose to stuff your turkey anyway, make sure you fill it lightly with 3/4 cups of stuffing per pound of turkey, and do it just before roasting it.
Use moist stuffing and spoon it into the cavity so it can cook through nicely.from MyDiet

The Oil Enigma Solved: Which Oils To Use For Frying, Drizzling And Roasting

The Oil Enigma Solved: Which Oils To Use For Frying, Drizzling And Roasting

The Oil Enigma Solved: Which Oils To Use For Frying, Drizzling And Roasting

Far too many people still don’t know the “secret” formula for using oils while cooking, and this might actually be a pretty huge issue when it comes to our overall health.
Latest researches have proven that vegetable oils, when exposed to high temperatures, release high concentrations of aldehydes.
Aldehydes are toxic compounds which have been linked to causing terrifying illnesses such as:
  • cancer
  • heart disease
  • dementia.
With that in mind, we have decided to give you a closer look at which oils are best for frying, drizzling over pastas, roasting, salad dressings

1. Olive Oil

Pure olive oil is the oil extracted from pressed whole olives and it is considered to be of a lower-quality oil than extra-virgin or virgin olive oil. It is a blend of virgin olive oil and refined olive oil, meaning it is lighter in color, more neutral in flavor and it typically an all-purpose cooking oil.
It is best used for:
  • light frying
  • salad dressing,
  • baking
Never use it for high temperature frying.

2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

It is made from the extracted juice of crushed olives and it doesn’t contain any chemicals. Since it is made without the use of industrial refining, it is healthier than pure olive oil.
Extra virgin olive oil is best used for:
  • dressing salads
  • drizzling over pasta
  • baking
Like pure olive oil, never use it for high temperatures frying.

3. Rapeseed Oil

It is made from rapeseed and, unlike olive oil, rapeseed oil doesn’t go toxic when exposed to high temperatures, which makes it more suitable for:
  • roasting potatoes
  • frying

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oils are made from the dried meat of the coconut called copra, and unlike olive oils, it can be used for:
  • high-temperature frying
  • baking
Note: don’t use it for drizzling over food.

5. Sunflower Oil

Contrary to what most of you think, sunflower oil is not healthy at all. It is made from oil extracted from sunflower seeds, and experts advise we should avoid it at all costs.
Who knew…
from MyDiet

Diet Or Exercise – Which One Is More Important For Weight Loss?

Diet Or Exercise – Which One Is More Important For Weight Loss?
Diet Or Exercise – Which One Is More Important For Weight Loss?

We are not going to beat around the bush here. If you are not really a fan of those difficult workouts at the gym, but you ARE looking to shed a few pounds – you definitely came to the right place.
According some experts, it appears it is much better and more helpful not to eat that slice of cheesecake you have in your fridge right now, than to eat it and then do an exhausting running session.
Let’s see how exactly it is more effective to put down the fork than spend hundreds of dollars on gym memberships.

You Are What You Eat

According to Philip Stanforth, a professor of exercise science at the University of Texas: “Studies tend to show that in terms of weight loss, diet plays a much bigger role than exercise.”
However, before you get too excited and say – I will never exercise ever again! – make sure you note that any kind of exercise is still quite important.
If you are looking to lose weight properly you first need to establish a healthy everyday diet, then throw in some kind of physical activity.
The thing is that it takes a lot of time to burn off the foods you eat, especially if you are not eating healthy and you fill up on carbs. Stanforth emphasizes that exercising doesn’t really burn as much calories as most of us think:
“You’d have to walk 35 miles to burn 3,500 calories. That’s a lot of walking. But if you look at eating, a Snickers bar might have, say, 500 calories. It’s going to be a lot easier to cut the Snickers bar than to do five miles of walking every day.”

And The Final Verdict Is…

The secret is indeed in the combination of eating healthy and having regular physical activity of some sort, however your diet should definitely come first.
The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition a few years ago revealed that people who switched to high-protein diets and meal replacements produced much better results than those who just exercised and didn’t modify their diets at all.
So, next time your tummy starts revving, just grab some fruit (like a banana) and say no to junk food.

from MyDiet

5 Dangerous Kitchen Products You Use Every Day

5 Dangerous Kitchen Products You Use Every Day
5 Dangerous Kitchen Products You Use Every Day
Most of us foodies are mainly wondering which foods and food products can cause cancer or heart diseases, but have you ever asked yourself – are there any kitchen utilities I use every day that can be just as hazardous for my health?
So many products we use on a daily basis to cook, bake, and store our favorite meals are actually bad for us, and nobody seems to talk about it.
Well we will.
Here’s the list of 5 kitchen products and utilities that can really put your health at risk.

1. Plastic Packaging

When it comes to storing your various foods and beverages, make sure you avoid any kind of plastic packaging. Sure, these are pretty useful, but what we usually don’t know is that hard plastics can contain BPA – a developmental, neural, and reproductive toxin.
Scientists warn that even low doses of BPA exposure can lead to:
  • cancer
  • impaired immune function
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • hyperactivity.

2. Teflon

Teflon is another rather useful product that can do wonders for your cooking skills, but it is also likely to give you cancer. Teflon coatings are made using perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, which is considered to be highly carcinogenic for humans.

3. Hard Plastic Melamine Dishes

Melamine dishes made out of hard plastic are also pretty dangerous. These are actually made by combining the chemical melamine with formaldehyde.
Like perfluorooctanoic acid, formaldehyde is also a known human carcinogen. Studies have shown that formaldehyde can “leach from dishware into food”.
Scary stuff, indeed…

4. Plastic Utensils And Accessories

If you cook on a daily basis or use extreme heat to prepare your favorite meals, plastic utensils are a huge no-no!
Plastic utensils or accessories can start to melt or flake with extreme heat, while these can also wear down over time, thus causing hazardous chemicals to merge with your food.
Instead opt for:
  • wood
  • bamboo
  • silicone
  • stainless steel

5. Aluminum Cookware

We need to be extra careful with aluminum cookware since aluminum is a highly reactive metal that can end up in your food rather easily due to its softness.
Aluminum is dangerous as it has been:
  • linked to brain disorders
  • linked to behavioral abnormalities
  • marked as a toxic substance by the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry.

from MyDiet

5 Ultimate Tips for Eating Healthy When You’re Super Busy

5 Ultimate Tips for Eating Healthy When You’re Super Busy
5 Ultimate Tips for Eating Healthy When You’re Super Busy
Yes, we are all pretty busy, all the time.
We all have difficult jobs, we are always behind with our work and our bosses are always on our back, no matter how much effort we put into the projects we are working on.
But that shouldn’t be an excuse for eating junk food on a daily basis.
Here we have 5 simple tips on how to eat healthy even though you think you don’t have enough time to do so.

1. Quick Vegetable Meals Are Key

Grab you favorite veggies, add some sea salt and nuts or legumes, put them in a pan and cook them for about 10 minutes.
Our suggestions when it comes to vegetables are:
  • chard
  • kale
  • spinach
  • garlic
  • fennel
  • broccoli
  • or any other green vegetable.
You can always throw in some beans or lentils for protein and carbohydrate intake.

2. Nuts & Legumes To The Rescue

Veggies are maybe key when it comes to healthy eating, but it is crucial for your body to have something other than vegetables in your meals. Nuts and legumes are always welcome. If you have a pressure cooker, preparing these will be a walk in the park.

3. Salads, Salads, Salads

Cooked veggies are delicious, but fresh are also quite important. Preparing any kind of salad won’t take you more than 10 minutes, and you will have a nice and healthy meal to get you through your day.
For a quick vitamin boost, add some fruits to your salad. Pears or apples are always a good choice, and they go well with cabbage, cucumber, and other similar veggies. Add some walnuts with olive oil and balsamic vinegar to round up the whole shebang.

4. Scrambled Eggs

Protein is never to be overlooked, and what better and faster way to get some protein than eggs? It will take you only 10 minutes to prepare a nice meal with 2-3 eggs, so there’s no excuse! Add some spinach and garlic to make it extra tasty.

5. Cook In Large Batches

In order to save time in the long run, you can always prepare meals and cook in big batches, freeze the leftovers, and microwave it later. This works best with legumes which you can then later add to any meal.
from MyDiet

How To Avoid Buying Fake Olive Oil




It’s been quite a while since journalist Tom Mueller shook the internet with his story about how over 70% of the extra-virgin olive you can find in stores across the globe is actually fake, and yet the majority of us still don’t know how to recognize the real deal.
Tom Mueller found out that almost all the extra-virgin olive oil we buy is being cut with cheaper oils.
The news was huge and people all over the world have trying to figure out how to spot a fake olive oil and how to find a genuine olive oil that is 100% extra-virgin.

The Tests That Didn’t Work

Since Tom’s news came out, there have been numerous “working” tests that would supposedly tell you if your olive oil is fake or not:
  • the fridge test
  • the taste test
  • the oil lamp test…
However, all of these turned out to be flawed.
The fridge test says that extra-virgin olive should become thick and cloudy or even freeze in the fridge since it is comprised of mostly monounsaturated fats which solidify when cold. That didn’t work.
The taste test is even crazier. According to some people, you can actually taste the difference between the real one and the fake one… but no one has taste buds that skilled.
The oil lamp test said that your extra-virgin olive oil should keep your oil lamp burning because it should be flammable enough. However, it turns out that many other oils are this flammable as well.

So, How To Really Tell If Olive Oil Is Extra-Virgin?

The trick is to buy your olive oil locally.
Skip the middle man and get your olive oil directly from the source – the farmer himself.
According to Food Renegade: “…almost all olive oil adulteration happens with the middle men — the people who buy olive oil in bulk from individual farmers and collect it in bulk to sell to corporate buyers. The corporate buyers are usually buying olive oil they think is 100% real, and they’re then mixing, sorting, and branding it to sell it in grocery stores.”
So, make sure you cut out the corporation and cut out the middle man and buy it directly from the local farmer – only then can you be completely sure your olive oil is indeed extra-virgin and your future dishes extra-delicious.
from MyDiet
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