Cold Or Hot? Which Is Better For Your Sore Throat?

Cold Or Hot? Which Is Better For Your Sore Throat?

Cold Or Hot? Which Is Better For Your Sore Throat?

Cold Or Hot? Which Is Better For Your Sore Throat?

November is almost over and that means only one thing – sore throat season! That scratchy and dry sensation can really be a pain in the, well, neck.
But don’t fret just yet, as we have the right solution for you.
Sore throat is a rather treatable condition and simple self-care measures can go a long way when it comes to easing this annoying sensation.
Since you are probably wondering whether hot or cold foods and beverages are better for this condition, we have decided to delve a little deeper into this matter.
It appears that both have their merits. Let’s see how:

Hot Fluids As The Logical Solution

Hot fluids are always a safe bet. Not only do they help soothe your sore throat almost instantly, but they will also help you in the long run.
Hot fluids are known to loosen mucus, which may also help you with congestion and stuffiness.
  • Hot soup
  • Warm lemonade
  • Hot tea
But what about:

Cold Treats?

Contrary to popular beliefs cold treats also have many a benefit when it comes to relieving the discomfort associated with a sore throat.
According to, eating cold treats will also help ease your pain and act like an analgesic. (Removing tonsils anyone?)
  • Ice pops
  • Ice cream
  • Ice chips
All these will decrease the inflammation and irritation affecting your pharynx and help you deal with sore throat. And they are also quite delicious.
from MyDiet
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